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Best of October

I've had the same idea for this year's Halloween costume since last Halloween. I've had an entire year to put together the most bare-bones costume and I'll be the first to say it, twas garbage.

So the picture is also garbage.

I'm Eleven! The telekinetic pre-teen from Stranger Things! Could anyone tell? Nay!

In my humble defense, they don't make the official Eleven dress for 6ft tall dorks so the hospital gown was the way to go. What really ruined it was the sling, people just assumed my costume was just "Car accident". The only real Stranger Things giveaway is the Polaroid film and that's not even part of the costume.

Other than all that! Halloween was a laugh

So let's go back to the beginning of the month.

For those of you who are new, I've only gone and torn the crap out of my pectoral so I've spent all of this month shooting with one arm. Hurts like all hell but the real heroes are the people I've been shooting. Between carrying my bags to putting up with my whining, they've all been absolutely lovely.

So here's to them!

These are my favorite shots from the month!

Okie doke!

Usually that would be the end of it but I want to try something new. I'm a massive music nerd and I reckon my friends are tired of me rambling on about the same old bands so now it's your turn!! Every month I'm going to recommend a couple albums that made my month!

NUMBER 1: Foals | Everything Not Saved Will Be Lost PART 2

I haven't shut up about this album for a couple weeks now and I will not apologize for that. It's beautiful! This band have come so far and grown so much and they're still transcending genres and blowing my mind. Red Desert and The Runner make such a strong start for the album and it keeps on delivering track after track. They've stolen Everything Everything bassist Jeremy Pritchard and I can only hope that they keep him (at least until I've seen them live)

NUMBER 2: IDLES | Joy as an Act of Resistance

This is the angriest, loveliest and most poignant Punk album I've heard lately. It makes me want to egg Downing street and go hug a stranger. Tracks like Never Fight A Man With A Perm and Colossus have some of the most hearty and progressive lyrics with the former making me crack up a little whenever I hear it. IDLES are proof that thumpy punk rock can be overwhelmingly welcoming and friendly. Amazing album, really smart band, gorgeous videos CHECK THEM OUT!!

Alright that's me done!

I wrote this in one sitting after watching the Rugby World Cup in the pub with my dad at 9am this morning so apologies if it's a mess because I'm not a pillar of sobriety at this moment.

Take care


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